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Rare Books Bought & Wanted.Peter Harrington Rare Books - First Edition Books, Signed, Inscribed & Collectibles

Rare Books Bought & Wanted.Peter Harrington Rare Books - First Edition Books, Signed, Inscribed & Collectibles

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Rare book collectors uk free.Book value: How much is your book worth?


View Category. Jane Austen. Enid Blyton. Lewis Carroll. Agatha Christie. Arthur Conan Doyle. Winston Churchill. Roald Dahl. Charles Darwin. Daniel Defoe. Charles Dickens. Walt Disney. Scott Fitzgerald. Ian Fleming. Kenneth Grahame. Thomas Hardy. Ernest Hemingway. Rudyard Kipling. Herman Melville. Libraries, particularly in the US, have been collecting in this area for decades and are way ahead of most art museums whose curators are now rushing to catch up by buying works by female artists.

There are more and more women deciding to become book dealers and there is real solidarity among them. At the same time the establishment is opening up and finally recognising that women are a force to be reckoned with in the book dealing and collecting world. Allison Devers was a trend setter when she opened the first women's book shop in Soho, London at the end of the year and definitely got the ball rolling with her first women's catalogue cum journal, which pre-dated her shop by a couple of months.

The Second Shelf is selling rare and some second-hand books and ephemera by women or important works on or for women. Ultimately, the idea behind the shop is to make collecting more approachable and affordable for women, there are plenty of books for sale at very reasonable prices as well as some of the rare books you would find at the long-established top dealers. But it is by no means a 'man-free' zone and it is rather encouraging to see how many men buy from The Second Shelf.

The latter two have published their first combined paper catalogue in time for International Women's Day. Bernard Quaritch Ltd has also launched a catalogue with the title 'Women' covering photographs, manuscripts and rare books with a more international angle. Sally Deegan managed to compile the first general catalogue focusing on women including 50 items. Do you have an old or antiquarian book and would like to know its value? You might think it's a rare and valuable book but don't know where to find its value?

One very simple method of finding an approximate value of a book is to search for similar copies on AbeBooks and see what prices are being asked. The sellers on AbeBooks offer for sale new, used, rare and out-of-print books, and we have millions of used and rare books available for purchase.

Well known to book collectors and booklovers, our site is an excellent resource for discovering a rough value of an old book. AbeBooks has been part of the rare book world since going live in When searching on AbeBooks, it's important to find copies that match the book in your possession as accurately as possible. Search carefully and avoid spelling mistakes. Look inside the book and identify the book's publisher - complete the publisher field but leave out terms like limited, company or press.

If possible identify the book's date of publication. Complete the date fields - if you have identified the exact year of publication then put the same date into both fields. If you are unsure, you may to wish to search for books between two defined dates - eg and The keyword field is useful if you know the illustrator's name or some other defining aspect like the book's binding perhaps it's leather or cloth.

The search results will be presented by the lowest price first. Scroll through the listings and read how the booksellers have described the books. Look for a listing that is similar to your book.



- Rare book collectors uk free


Interpretatio preclara The new history of the Trojan Wars, and Troy' Our latest Modernisms catalogue featuring Stein, Yeats, Cocteau, Pound, Picasso et al, is now available in digital form. To receive catalogues as they are released, join our mailing list. Download pdf. Blackwell's Rare Books buys and sells rare and collectable books in all fields, especially modern first editions, private press and antiquarian books on subjects from literature and philosophy to medicine and topography, including early printing and fine bindings.

The very first Blackwell bookshop opened in Oxford in selling rare and second-hand books. It has since grown to become the UK's leading academic bookseller, and we carry on the original tradition at the same location - now much expanded, and a Grade II listed building.

We issue printed and illustrated catalogues of rare books several times a year, and exhibit at book fairs in the UK and the USA. On our website we invite you to browse and order from our stock , learn more about us and enquire about books you wish to sell. Download pdf MUS1 Please click on the link above to download a pdf of this catalogue. O England! Download pdf Download pdf Download pdf Download pdf.


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